Getting Started: Microsoft Azure

This guide is a walkthrough for deploying a BOSH director with bbl on Microsoft Azure. Upon completion, you will have the following:

  1. A BOSH director
  2. A jumpbox
  3. A set of randomly generated BOSH director credentials
  4. A generated keypair allowing you to SSH into the BOSH director and any instances BOSH deploys
  5. A copy of the manifest the BOSH director was deployed with
  6. A basic cloud config

Create a Service Principal Account

You can use the cli utility az-automation for creating a service principal account given you have authenticated with the az cli.

The output will include your subscription id, your tenant id, the client id, and the client secret.

These credentials will be passed to bbl so that it can interact with Azure.

Pave Infrastructure, Create a Jumpbox, and Create a BOSH Director

  1. Export environment variables. export BBL_IAAS=azure export BBL_AZURE_CLIENT_ID= export BBL_AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET= export BBL_AZURE_REGION= export BBL_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID= export BBL_AZURE_TENANT_ID=

    or powershell:


  2. Create infrastructure, jumpbox, and bosh director. bbl up

Next Steps