BOSH Bootloader

Also known as bbl (pronounced: "bubble"), bosh-bootloader is a command line utility for standing up a CloudFoundry or Concourse installation on an IaaS.

bbl currently supports AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, Openstack and vSphere.

What bbl does

a list of steps that bbl executes, which are elaborated on below

Generate terraform template

The first step that bbl up does is to generate a Terraform template based on your IAAS, IAAS region, and chosen load balancer type (or lack thereof).

The resulting Terraform template is emitted to the terraform/ file within your state directory.

Apply terraform template

After generating the Terraform template, bbl up will run Terraform to apply that template, using also a variables file located at vars/bbl.tfvars within the state directory.

Map terraform outputs to BOSH create-env vars

Having applied the Terraform template, we now have a number of Terraform outputs, such as subnet CIDRs, reserved IP addresses, and load balancer configuration. bbl will transform those outputs into the inputs required by jumpbox-deployment and bosh-deployment and write them to the files vars/jumpbox-vars-file.yml and vars/director-vars-file.yml.

Execute BOSH create-env (jumpbox, director)

Next, bbl shells out to the BOSH CLI to run bosh create-env twice. The first time, bbl uses jumpbox-deployment and creates the jumpbox vm; the second time, bbl uses bosh-deployment and creates the director VM. The exact commands that bbl will run are emitted to the and files within the state directory.

Generate cloud-config template

After the director VM comes up, bbl generates a base cloud-config, based on the IAAS, IAAS region, and chosen load balancer type.

Map Terraform outputs to BOSH cloud-config vars

Having generated a base cloud-config template, bbl maps Terraform outputs to cloud-config variables. These variables include network and subnetwork names, security groups or tags, and CIDR ranges, as well as load balancer target pool names.

Update cloud-config (director)

Finally, bbl will update the director's cloud config, by shelling out to bosh update-cloud-config.